Tuesday, November 17, 2009

the fifth child book covers

No one can judge art or say that one piece of art is better or worse than another. However you can judge appropriateness and relatedness to certain reading materials. In doing so i have come to the conclusion that the most appropriate picture to be the cover of this book is the black and white photograph of a young boy looking outside with his palm on the window. I believe that this is the best book cover because of the color composition, the fact that it is a photograph and the subject of the photograph. I think it was necessary to be black in white because this book seems to be devoid of color. There is only black, white, and things in between. The fact that it is a photograph is important because it is a cold and harsh reality that can not be messed up by subjective lines. And the very subject itself is so amazing. A child without a smile or humanizing features stares at you coldly as he wants nothing to do with you but still reached his hand to the window.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Post 2

When it comes to reviewing a book, there are man different aspects that you can look from depending on the piece. Everyone can take a different view of what Mary Shelley was trying to communicate with her audience and it is a very likely possibility that it is exactly what she was trying to convey but it is also an equal possibility that she had something completely different in mind. For example, The creature had been a debate on nature vs. nurture when the book started out but in the 1930's it turned into a tale of and evil monster that must be destroyed( does that sound like a man with a name that starts with an A sound and ends with an Dolf Hitler sound) using this story to show tyranny. Then something threatening to a lot of people was technology and the vastness that it has. We became able to do many things in this time without questioning the ethics behind it. That is the theme that they wanted to portray to the people. The final theme that was they wanted to show who was the real victim? A creature with deformities and knows nothing but hatred towards him or the man who man him?

Thursday, October 8, 2009


I found Frankenstein very interesting. I expected the book to be very similar to the 1970's version of the movie because that is what i grew up with but that wasn't the case at all. I was expecting the monster to be very unintelligent and the plot line to be very simple but i was shocked to see all the extra plot involved with this whole story. I thought it was interesting how the monster had so much feelings of abandonment which speaks to how people who are labeled monsters must feel. They are so out-casted by the world that they can no longer feel the bonds of belonging and just want someone to love them because they are the same.
It is sad how much time and care victor puts into projects and then simply abandons them and pretends that they never happened. He said he would get married to Elizabeth and then he ignored her for years. He created a monster and then pretend that it didnt exist. This shows that victor can't deal with his own decisions. I think this trait is going to severley effect him in the future. Even when victor goes on a boat with the stanger he asked where the boat was going even though he would freeze to death if he didn't go on."before i come on board your vessel, will you have the kindness to inform me whither you are bound?" (pg 10). Showing that he wants to be god but doesnt want the responsobilties of his actions.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

amazing quotes

"I don't care who started it, I'll finish it"- Ice age

"There is no such thing as fun for the whole family"- Jerry Seinfield

"I am an Ist, I believe in an Ism" -Colin Frickie

"Where there is love there is pain"- spanish porverb

"I cant stand seeing you in pain...unless i cause it"- Drake and Josh

"Keep your honesty, it often gets lost when growing older or entering politics" Mrs. Doubtfire

"Life is supposed to be icky" -Now and Then

"I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without their motives being questioned"- bumpersticker

"Family is a 'i am going to annoy the crap out of you because i can, your stuck with me forever, and thats the way i like it.' kind of love"

"before you critisize someone always walk a mile in their shoes, that way, when you critisize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes."

"I dont just want to rain on your parade, i want to blow up all the floats."

"There are plenty of M&Ms in the trailmix"

"I dont just want to rain on your parade, i want to blow up all the floats"

"Even manure can be used to fertailizer to grow crops and feed hundreds." bulletproof monk